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K-Now Behavioral Solutions understands and recognizes the uniqueness of each child.

We are family-focused & client-centered. Established amid a pandemic with social distancing, quarantines, siblings being caretakers & caregivers being teachers & therapists we saw the importance and urgency to encompass the entire family unit in programming.

We are not here to change their personality to fit social norms, but instead give them the tools to navigate and thrive in their social environment.

K-Now Behavioral Solutions

Our Core Values


The fostering of partnerships through the cultivation of individual connections for successful outcomes.


The commitment to acceptance of our responsibility for our behavior.


The development of research and education by merging foundational knowledge with relevant technology.

Are You Ready to Take the Next Step?

Contact us for more information or to request a free consultation

“Non netus ante, proident! Ante donec, facilisis esse inventore! Adipisicing corporis eius excepturi leo”
John Leblanc
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K-Now Solutions

K-Now Solutions

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K-Now Solutions
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